California born in 1952. Yep, do the math, I’m over sixty, but not blue!
Awesome family – my dad and mom. Married 66 years! They’re the BOMB!
Like most teen girls who look in the mirror; being fat and ugly was my biggest fear.
Diets – Pills – I was in a downward spiral; and then my bulimia went viral.
Bingeing & purging five times a day; my body was ravaged in numerous ways.
Hid my secret for 16 years until panic attacks exposed all of my fears.
Losing my mind was really a drag, my fear of death felt like the plague.
I searched for God with all my heart. He revealed himself and gave me a new start.
I learned the freedom of a renewed mind. My panic was gone, my new faith sublime.
But my husband wanted a trophy wife and discontentment began to consume my life.
Two little girls hurt in our split. Where does a Christian divorcee now fit?
Stuck in the mire of guilt and shame. I was a pawn on the board of Satan’s game.
Failure at marriage, failure at life. No good as a mother, no good as a wife.
An officer & gentleman saved the day. God’s grace showed up in a lovely way.
My new husband, lover, soul mate and friend vowed to be faithful until the end.
Our blended family was a challenging mix. My daughters rebellious. No easy fix.
A few good years of family calm. The quiet that comes before the storm.
“Mom, I’m pregnant” said my youngest, Jill.
High school with a baby is an endless, long hill.
Then the love of my life became angry and distant.
My second chance marriage destroyed in an instant.
Betrayal cut deep like a knife to my heart.
Forgiveness essential to begin a fresh start.
The rug of life pulled out under me. I land on my ROCK & HE sets me free.
Healing, loving, learning to trust, then God gives an assignment, and take it we MUST.
Adopting our grandson, a mom once more.
Immaculate conception (of sorts) at forty-four!
He’s the love of our life. One more reason to thrive.
Our family, faith and life now vitally ALIVE.
A year of joy and peace – No tears are shed. Then a midnight call…a mother’s dread.
“Mom, bail me out! I’ve been set up!” Another lie and my tears erupt.
My first born, Jamie – traffics COCAINE? Are you KIDDING ME? That’s insane!
But NEVER underestimate God’s awesome power. He meets us in our need each and every hour.
Today our family is safe and secure. Loving, giving, faithful and sure.
God promised to make ALL things good. Follow Him, trust Him. You really should.
My life is a miracle God enhances giving second, third and even more chances.
He wastes nothing that we endure when we follow Him. Now that’s for sure!