Are these cut off jeans too young for a woman approaching seventy? Yeah, I know. That’s a pretty superficial question. But let’s be real, at my age, I find myself asking a lot of both deep and surface questions. I’ve faced off several milestone birthdays (40, 50, 60), but my upcoming 70 is somewhat sobering. I mean, really? I was just 40. And then, I blinked. Whoosh.
Since I turned sixty, I’ve been increasingly mindful of how fast my life on this planet is speeding by and wondering what kind of legacy (i.e. meaningful and eternal deposits) I am leaving. I’ve come to value every waking moment so much more than I did when I was younger. I am so grateful to be super healthy and full of energy. My beautiful mom was the same into her late seventies. And then she wasn’t. She died at 85 from Alzheimer’s. We just don’t know what our earthly future holds. The only thing we know for sure is that God gave us today!
For the last ten years, I’ve been reminded almost daily of Psalm 90:12 which says:“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” I believe God wants us to be mindful of the daily gift of 86,400 seconds He bestows on us each day of our life here on earth. They tick away second after second and cannot be stored up. So, I am soberly, joyfully and mindfully “numbering my days”, seeking wisdom and sharing a a few random thoughts and insights along they way as each second ticks me ever closer to my milestone 70th birthday.
Questions to Ponder:
- What is your next milestone birthday?
- How are you numbering your days as it approaches?
- What is your greatest fear about aging?
I invite you to join me on my “Countdown Journey” and encourage you to do the same. No, we don’t know exactly what the future holds for us in our final laps of life. But if you know Jesus, you do know He holds the future and ultimately it is very, very bright.
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